English Karate Federation Licence Application Form

Shukokai Karate Federation

In order to train in any SKF Dojo you must hold a valid licence, it is your responsibility to make sure that your licence is kept up to date. As well as permission to train your licence is your insurance and access to Kimura Shukokai International KSI courses and tournaments.


If you need help with the form please review the help page 


Individual Licence Costs

  • 16 yrs and over £50 per year
  • Under 16 yrs £45 per year

Family Licence

For family licence of up to 4 people at the same address please fill in the family licence application

Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

All licences will be renewed from the date of expiry unless there has been a break in training which must be noted below. If you have failed to renew your licence before its expiry the cost of renewal will be subject to a £5 per month fine for each month overdue up to 3 months. Any licences overdue by more than 3 months cannot be renewed via this form and must be made in writing to the licence officer.

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